
Hello, Welcome, I'm Lynda.

I am a dedicated Somatic Practitioner with a profound commitment to attuning and customizing my approach to meet your unique needs. Drawing from a rich toolkit of modalities including Somatic Experiencing, Spiritual Life Coaching, NeuroAffective Touch, Inner Child Work, and Guided Meditation Journeys, my healing practice represents the culmination of three decades of experience in body and mind healing practices.

The cornerstone of both my life and practice is the journey of learning to love all the "unloveable parts."

In our collaborative work together, we embark on a safe and gentle exploration, where we listen to your body, honor your emotions, and untangle any knots of emotional or mental energy. This process deepens your connection with yourself, tapping into the wisdom that resides within you, and empowers you to manifest the changes you desire in your life.

True healing, as I believe it, is an awakening into love—a profound realization that you are enough. It's about accessing your inner wisdom and living from a place of inherent worth. Being a supportive guide on your path to self-discovery, self-empowerment, and self-love is not just my profession; it's a calling that fills my life with purpose and joy.

My superpower is creating a compassionate and nurturing space for deep exploration. Within this sacred space, we uncover and retrieve treasures that may have long been hidden or forgotten.

Discovering Myself, Empowering Women

I understand that my story is not unique but resonates with the experiences of countless women. In my early years, I grappled with low self-esteem, lacked confidence, and had no sense of my own worth. I constantly sought external validation to define my value. This cycle left me feeling lost, unsure of my identity, and in constant fear of not measuring up.

Can you relate?

The turning point came when I realized that the void within me could only be filled by me. I stopped unconsciously abandoning myself and basing my worth on external approval. Instead, I learned to confront my fears and ask, "What do you need?" I listened with compassion and understanding, and in doing so, I found inner peace. Slowly but steadily, I began to truly love and respect myself.

I transformed unworthiness and fear into the keys to my Queendom!

These keys reside within our fears and struggles. Beauty emerges from the depths of our shared experiences as women, where we've all encountered feelings of unworthiness. Beauty also arises from acknowledging the ways in which we have not honored ourselves and our collective wisdom. The beauty I speak of lies in our awakening as women, in uniting our voices to heal our world and each other.

Beauty and sorrow ignited my own spiritual journey and drove my mission to empower women to awaken to their self-worth and self-love.

Together, let's embark on a journey of transformation, self-discovery, and empowerment.